Thursday, February 18, 2010

Competency: Library Literature and Books in Print

How can copyright be protected in the digital world? (Or, how can we handle digital rights management – an answer to the first question)

This is the same question I used for the EricFirst and Worldcat search.

Key terms & facets



Digital world

My terms




Digital world

Digital rights

Electronic books

Library Lit

Electronic publishing/legal aspects

Books in Printdidn't find any that I hadn't alreadyfound

Another term I have learned about from my last search assignment is Digital Rights Management (DRM) that could work as well.

Library Lit Boolgan subject search: digital rights AND management AND protect

Search results came up empty.

Library Lit Boolgan smart search: digital rights AND management AND protect

The results were 29 records. Several looked promising too. One of the records I chose was "Publishers, Audible Watching eMusic Moves" by Jim Milliot as it deals with DRM and providing unencrypted file to buyers.

Milliot, J. (2007). Publishers, Audible Watching eMusic Moves. Publishers Weekly , 4.

Another article I found was "Ethical Issues Implicit in Library Authentication and Access Management: Risks and Best Practices" by Pam Dixon (2008). This one is about how libraries are involved with DRM.

Dixon, P. (2008). "Ethical Issues Implicit in Library Authentication and Access Management: Risks and Best Practices". Journal of Library Administration , 141-62.

I did complete another search that dealt with how school libraries could inform students about digital copyrights and found an interesting article titled "Front & Center: the Role of Libraries and Copyright in the Digital Age" by G.M. O'Gara (2008).

Books in Print Boolgan subject search: digital rights management AND protect

No matches were found.

Books in Print Boolgan subject search: electronic AND copyright

158 records were found. This is better than the first search, but there are lots of records to go through. Several of the books did seem interesting though. Digital Copyright by Simon Stokes and Intellectual Property Law and Interactive Media: Free for a Fee by Edward Lee Lamoureux both seem to be good for a basic understanding of what copyright and the Internet is.

Books in Print Boolgan subject search: digital rights management AND copyright AND protection

14 matches were found for this search. Handbook of Research on Secure Multimedia Distribution by Shiquo Lian was a book in found in the search and is another good one for getting an understanding on all things dealing with the multimedia (such as the Internet).

Shiquno Lian, Y. Z. (2009). Handbook of Research on Secure Multimedia Distribution. IGI Global.

Books in Print Boolgan subject search: libraries AND copyright

65 matches were found for this search. The book I picked out from this search is Licensing and Managing Electronic Resources: A Librarian's Guide. This book discusses the Electronic Resources librarian with a focus on the copyrights that go with this part of the digital age.

Albitz, R. S. (2008). Licensing and Managing Electronic Resources: A Librarian's Guide. Chandos Publishing.

ETA: In Books in Print, I used the advnaced search selection and chose "subject - all" as my search on option. However, I did go back and try the "Keyword in Subject" and came up with the same results.

I found the Library Lit database to be easier to work with and easier to find information pertaining to my needs. At first I had some problems finding much of anything, but after reading the "Help" I was able to ease through it. Another I noticed was that I found more (maybe even better) information with this database by using the "smart search" option.

As for the Books in Print, I really had trouble getting into this one. Part of my problem may have been that I was looking for articles and not books. However, this database tends to focus on books (as the name of it suggests). I did find some good books, but I had to try several different searches. (I only listed a few of them here.) It was interesting the number of search options one has under "Binding" from the advance search menu.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Competency #5 - Tagging/Indexing

For our competency this week, we were asked to go to LibraryThing and sign up for a free account. This is a site for anyone who has a love of books (or at least deals with books). You are able to have book talks, share opinions about different books, and so much more. The assignment was to search the site for a resource associated with my interest and find tags (or tag coulds) for them. I am interested in many aspects, but I am trying to focus on high school libraries and the use of technology in libraries. I was really wanting to see some books about hybrid libraries (combining the physical with the digital), but when I tried that search nothing came up. I then decided to search for "digital libraries" as I am interested to see how these types of libraries work since we are in a digital age, and it would help to understand them in order to create a hybrid library. A few books caught my eye with this search, but the one that really jumped out at me was Understanding Digital Libraries because, after reading the three reviews that were posted, it seemed to be a good introduction to what a digital library is.

Another search I did was "Library 2.0". This search proved interesting as well with one book that really stood out, Library 2.0 and Beyond. This book explains what this concept is and how librarians can improve library services.

During another search I discovered "Re-Designing the High School Library for the Forgotten Half: The Information Needs of the Non-College Bound Student". I chose this book as it deals with the high school library directly and a group of students that typically get over-looked.

I think these three books I found, and the others that I saved in my account, will provide me with a start at understanding how a library can function in today's digital age that the students are a part of. I think it is important to know and learn about what is to come and what is already here in order to provide a better service to the patrons of the library. Now I just need to find some time to read them.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Competency - WorldCat and ERIC

How can copyright be protected in the digital world? (Or, how can we handle digital rights management – an answer to the first question)

I chose this question as I am interested in how technology is affecting the library and with it the idea of copyrights. The digital rights managements (DRM), I have found, is very interesting. Right now the news about Google books settlement is having to deal with just that question and it is one I am finding very interesting. The idea of who owns what on the Internet has been blurring and I have heard many arguments ranging from music (Napster) to ebooks. Since libraries must uphold to copyright laws no matter the form, I thought it might be in my best interest to understand this policy and the arguments that go with it.

Some other questions I would like to answer from this research:
  1. What is the source of this issue?
  2. What are the conflicting positions?
  3. What arguments or evidence are cited to support conflicting positions?
  4. Who has stakes in the resolution of the issue (or its non-resolution)?
  5. What is at stake for each stakeholder?
  6. What events, decision, or actions will lead to resolution?
Key terms or facets: protect, copyright(s), digital world
My terms: protect, protection...copyright(s) world, digital rights
ERIC/First thesaurus terms: electronic technology, electronic books
Worldcat thesaurus terms: trademark infringement, electronic commerce
I tried several different ways to get my table inserted into this post but was unsuccessful. I hope what I was able to include is easy to follow.

Some other terms I discovered from both databases that could work is: compliance (legal), ownership, DRM (digital rights management), electronic development,

ERIC/First search: digital rights AND management
Came up with 61 records. Several on the first page looked promising. I found this record that had lots of information: Imagine No Restrictions: Digital Rights Management

ERIC/First search 2: digital rights AND management AND protect
Came up with 5 records. I chose to look at this one: E-Books and DRM: Rights Management Solutions, Extant Automation Systems, and Institutional Owners/Lenders. (SIGs LAN, PUB: Library Automation, Networks and Information Generation and Publication). It talked about publisher's choice of format to protect content and integrating digital rights managements with current library automation systems.

Worldcat Boolgan search: digital rights AND management
Came up with 766 records. This was a little much but there were a few records on the first page that looked promising.

Worldcat Boolgan search 2: digital rights AND management AND protect
Came up with 24 records and several seem to have potential for my research. Here is a book that could work, Intellectual property and information wealth : issues and practices in the digital age.
Here is another book that might work too, Multimedia security technologies for digital rights management.

I found that both databases gave some good results, but there were subtle differences in them. I noticed that some of the terms didn't transfer between the two, but my terms did. Overall I was pleased with both results and foudn them easy to use. One thing I would like to have seen were articles about this issue today inaddtion to the books. I may also need to reword my question (or use some of my other questions) to get all of the information I would like to have.

Competency #4: RSS feeds

While looking through some sites and blogs about technology in the school libraries, I came across this great blog, The Unquiet Librarian. I was happy to learn that I could subsribe to her blog through the RSS feed (as you can see in my sidebar) so that others could also become aware of her. She calls herself a media specialist/teacher/librarin for a high school in Georgia and has lots to say about the use of techonology in the schools. I choose her because not only because he is working in the field I would like to work in myself, but because I liked the way she presented her thoughts and opinions as well as how to impliment technology into the library.

I also found another exciting blog titled Knowbodies. This blog deals with information about techonology and many other current awareness that might be of interest to librarians. In fact, one of the more recent entries was a link to debate titled "Do School Libraries Need Books?" I found that this a real concern and question that many people are starting to have.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Competency #3 - Podcasts

I got off to a rocky start with this competencey again, but once I figured out what I was looking for and used good ole' Google for my search. I had tried some of the podcasts searching sites, but I wasn't able to get them narrow enough or to work just right for me. I also jumped between sites based on their recommendations using their links. I found several podcasts relating to my subjects and will share a four of them with you.

This first podcast I chose shows how a Dryden Middle School/High School librarian is using podcasts to let the students tour the school library. This is a great idea to introduce the kids to their library and would be a good place they can reference back to if needed. Tour of the Library. I am unable to set up a direct link to the podscast because you must save them first and then listen to them.

For my second choice I picked from The Library 2.0 Gang. I discovered this site through a co-worker of mine who knew I was starting my MLS degree and thought I would be interested in it. I was so happy that she did as they have several podcasts discussing the use of technology in the libraries and where that could take us. After looking through this site, I found this podcast about the eBooks and eReaders (something I am really interested to learn what role it will play in libraries).

My third podcast is from the NSR site. I chose it because the topic was on how a school here in America renovated its library to go digital. I found this podcast interesting as it raised several questions. One question brought up is whether or not they went too far with the digital side. Digital School Library Leaves Book Stacks Behind

Finally, I would like to mention the ReadWriteThink Text Messages. I thought this was very much like a podcast and found it to be something that was a little different in intorducing authors, types of books, little book talks, and such. The one I looked at was their ninth episode - A Conversation with John Green. I found it informative and a wonderful way to hear what an author has to say about his or her writing. As of today, they are up to twenty-three episodes.

Podcasts, what a wonderful way to allow students and other patrons to the library to hear from authors, listen to discussions over topics they are intested, or even get book reviews. There are many uses of podcasts that I have learned about, and I have only shared a few of them here.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Competency #2

This was tougher for me than I have expected. I think part of my problem is that I wanted to go in too many directions: young adult literature (YA Lit), technology, and PR for libraries. I know the kind of library I would like to focus on is a school setting with an emphasis on secondary (grades 6-12), but I also would like to stay up to date with the elementary libraries. After lots of thinking and searching I think I have settled on the use of technology in the secondary libraries while keeping up with young adult literature. I may even time to time post something I find about getting the word out about libraries.

After doing several searches through the Google Blog Search, I found this really get entry that combined technology with YA Lit. The blog owner of LuAnn's Library Technology posted about how she got her students to create a book trailer for the book they read in their Literature Circles. I think this is a wonderful idea and a great way to get the students actively involved in the school library. They could show these student made book tailers on the school's TV channel to advirtise for the library and even get students interested in something they may never have chosen before to read. My only disappointment is that the blog hasn't been updated in several months. That being said, this was just an entry that I couldn't not pass on to others you might be looking for some new ideas on using the power of technology with the knowledge of young adults.
I also would like to share this wonderful blogger. Her name is Megan B. and she just finished her MLIS and has started this blog with some great resourses on using technology in the libraries. She reminds me that we shouldn't be afraid of technology but to embrace it and use it to help us. Techology really can be fun.

Finally, I want to share this blog by Doug Johnson. My husband works with computers and when he talks to me about the different technology devices out there I begin to wonder how it could be used in the schools. One of the devices that has be intriged at the moment is this iPad of which I found Mr. Johnson's thoughts on it interesting.

Even before the iPad, we were moving to a personal computing platform model in
education - netbooks, smartphones, etc. I think it will be interesting to see if
the 9.7 screen is the sweet spot for personal computing devices or "neither fish
nor fowl" with neither laptop functionality nor cellphone size
convenience.We are making a deliberate move toward cloud-based computing in
ISD77 with the adoption of GoogleApps; using ASPs for webhosting,
datawarehousing and IEPs; and providing video via streaming. (I suspect our SIS,
library catalog, and all instructional software will be next.) I look to see a
webbrowser being the only software needed on most devices we use in schools
within 5 years with the exception of a few powerful computers for graphics/video
rendering in specialized labs.The big monkey wrench right now is testing.
Pearson can't or won't provide a cloud-based solution that runs in a browser.
This inability may wind up costing schools millions if we need to maintain labs
of desktop computers just for testing, testing, testing. I won't mention where I
think our state DOE'shead is firmly lodged on this issue.

I am interested to see where this will go (and wouldn't mind having one myself).