Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Competency #3 - Podcasts

I got off to a rocky start with this competencey again, but once I figured out what I was looking for and used good ole' Google for my search. I had tried some of the podcasts searching sites, but I wasn't able to get them narrow enough or to work just right for me. I also jumped between sites based on their recommendations using their links. I found several podcasts relating to my subjects and will share a four of them with you.

This first podcast I chose shows how a Dryden Middle School/High School librarian is using podcasts to let the students tour the school library. This is a great idea to introduce the kids to their library and would be a good place they can reference back to if needed. Tour of the Library. I am unable to set up a direct link to the podscast because you must save them first and then listen to them.

For my second choice I picked from The Library 2.0 Gang. I discovered this site through a co-worker of mine who knew I was starting my MLS degree and thought I would be interested in it. I was so happy that she did as they have several podcasts discussing the use of technology in the libraries and where that could take us. After looking through this site, I found this podcast about the eBooks and eReaders (something I am really interested to learn what role it will play in libraries).

My third podcast is from the NSR site. I chose it because the topic was on how a school here in America renovated its library to go digital. I found this podcast interesting as it raised several questions. One question brought up is whether or not they went too far with the digital side. Digital School Library Leaves Book Stacks Behind

Finally, I would like to mention the ReadWriteThink Text Messages. I thought this was very much like a podcast and found it to be something that was a little different in intorducing authors, types of books, little book talks, and such. The one I looked at was their ninth episode - A Conversation with John Green. I found it informative and a wonderful way to hear what an author has to say about his or her writing. As of today, they are up to twenty-three episodes.

Podcasts, what a wonderful way to allow students and other patrons to the library to hear from authors, listen to discussions over topics they are intested, or even get book reviews. There are many uses of podcasts that I have learned about, and I have only shared a few of them here.


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